Contently CEO on Working with Big Brands as a Startup [Traction #20: Joe Coleman]
The prospect of selling a new product from an “unproven” business into a large corporation can seem daunting.
But startups launch all the time as enterprise-focused entities. Still, that doesn’t make the situation any easier, so in this episode, Joe Coleman, cofounder and CEO of Contently, gets way into the weeds of selling into the enterprise.
We also hear some valuable lessons around marketplace businesses and what it’s like to be educating the market at the same time you’re selling into it.
Follow Joe at @joedcoleman and visit contently.com to learn more.
And let me know what you think of the show — tweet me (Jay Acunzo) @jayacunzo. You can also subscribe to receive every episode plus weekly insights and resources about gaining startup traction.
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